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The Unfolding Community
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The Unfolding is a community, a process, a place to share and a place to open your heart to your place in evolution of thought. Yes, you have a place in moving the planet forward! Together we can learn, consider, connect and plant the seeds that will become nourishment for our own lives and that of future generations. This is our time and we have been brought together amidst the chaos of uncertainty to bring healing to our own hearts, minds and bodies that will be the path to clarity and purpose.
You are ready for the next step in your evolution. You can see it, feel it. do you hold on to a reality that contradicts the reality that everyone is holding for you and holding you in? How do you move beyond the story you've carried of yourself so long...the story that once served you so well but is now confining, limiting and maybe even hurting your relationships? We need help....we need other people to hold it with us.
This is the what community is about!
If we are trying to move into another story, another reality….we cannot do this without community. We must do this with others who understand us.
If this is feels like the place you've been looking for - welcome to
The Unfolding Community. We're so glad you're here!